Harward says...
Good Idea, Bad Idea
Remember Wakko, Yakko, Dot, and Pinky! Pinky! Pinkly and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain from Animaniacs? As I was running this week I had a flash back to the ‘Good Idea, Bad Idea’ segment.
Good idea: going to the bathroom. Bad Idea: Realizing you need to go 2 minutes into your half hour run. The quandary you fall into is the faster you run the faster you’re done, but the increased jostling does not help the situation.
Good idea: Downloading calming music for the iPod. Bad Idea: Mo Tab popping on at mile 2 ½ of the 4 mile run. There is a time and place for everything and in this situation I think Linkin Park was probably a better option.
Good idea: Working up nice healthy sweat. Bad idea: Realizing you now smell like your dad. Love ya dad, but the memories of your smelly jogging clothes will forever haunt me. Your offspring thanks you for passing on those sweat glands.
Bad Idea: Falling down on mile 2. Good Idea: At least save your face. Thanks for the laugh Beas. The cars thank you for the entertainment and it’s for sure a replay on the big screen in heaven.

Beasly says...
Ok, so this is super exciting to be training for a half marathon. I am not a runner, never have been. I thought this would be a great experience. It is going to be a lot of hard work and effort but I can do it. This is what I tell myself every time we run. “Bryana, you can do this, you can do this.” My running companions are a bit taller than me so I am often far behind them and have to give myself the motivation. I am excited to get in shape and have fun with friends. This winter will not suck!
So, week 2 Blah….. It was dusk, rush hour traffic. More than halfway through our three mile hike last Thursday. I was jogging and enjoying the nice evening air, when all of a sudden I was on the ground. I have no clue how I got there but there I was. I thought to myself, “That is embarrassing, and I am glad I did not land on my face.” I hope I made someone’s day! I can only imagine what it would be to see that happening. Funny! Other than that eventful night the running has been good. I am improving my time each time we run. I would like to say that it is getting easier but I would be lying and I try not to do that.
On to week 3!
Spitz says...
Well another week down and our times keep improving. Every time I run with these girls I am more and more impressed by their drive and spirit. They never cease to amaze me. We decided after this week that we wanted to change up our route because 2200 west is getting a little predictable. When we get to the final hill, we all dread it, but push through as best we can. I know this is going to be a challenge for all of us, but I for one try to never back down from a challenge. Bring on the Miles!!!
P.S. Sorry Beas about your knee.
Bryana, Heather and Spitz, you girls make me want to do a half too! What inspiration! Ps. Bryana, I said kick some butt, not bust some knee. ;) Hope you're feelin' great!