Sunday, November 28, 2010
Whoa!!!! Week 8
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Week 7... To our Dearest Winter
Dear Winter,
I think this was the first week we finally had to face our first true battle against you. You pulled out your little devils, darkness and cold, and sad to say you won this week. Let us please observe a moment of silence for this sad news minute.
Monday was the first day back to reality, day after daylight savings, oh barf. Nothing like that blessed depressing event to remind us that you, our Winter ‘friend’, have truly arrived. And your little demon the cold, oh how we’d like to kick him in the knee caps-- if there were knee caps to kick.
However, don’t start thinking you’re all that. All is not lost for us, we did plan ahead. The beautiful thing about using our 12-week training program is that we gave ourselves 16 weeks to accomplish it. That leaves a wee little wiggle room for the unintentional slacker weeks, oh the tender mercies. Keep throwing your mean, mean, mean tactics at us; we have adjusted our battle plan. Turns out we’ve survived car accidents, college, dumb dumb movies, missions, heartbreaks, food poisoning, daily road construction, and Beas singing to Keith early on Saturday mornings—so needless to say, we can overcome any little demons you throw at us. We’ll accept your white flag of surrender anytime.
P.S. hope there are no hard feelings, just because we think you suck doesn’t mean there aren’t others out there who love you.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Week 6...
Econ 110
Part of my college time and tuition went toward earning a minor in Business Management. One of the joys that came with it was Econ 110, the only D I received in between Kindergarten and receiving my B.S. And truth be told, I was quite proud of that D. I was excited this week when I realized my tuition and education weren’t in vain. Some of those principles learned have stuck, despite the grade, and I have seen them while training for the half marathon. The spotlight of the week, life is full of inverse relationships, as one thing increases another will decrease.
I have always admired those with nicely shaped calf muscles—not in a creeper, stalkerish way, but more of a hey! good for you kinda way. As the running continues my calf muscles are becoming bigger, stronger, and more defined. But I noticed this week as the calf muscles are increasing, the chest area is decreasing.
Of the many traits passed on to me in the gene pool, being well endowed was not one I ended up with. In a family of 6 kids, somehow I fell 2nd to last—squashed between the 2 boys, after the 13 year old, but just ahead of the 20 year old (thanks Stretch!). This training is not moving me up on that ladder in the near future; in fact may take up last place before long. Please note this is just an observation, not a complaint. I (and mi familia and amigos) have actually always found it a little comical.
It was always the application aspect I struggle with in Econ, thank goodness I have running to help me finally solidify those principles. I am proof that Ds get degrees and apparently thanks to heredity and running, it looks like that’s the only D I’ll ever achieve.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Week 5 and separated!

I had a great time in Minnesota, even though my new niece, Brynnlee Marie Spanier waited to be born til I left. She was born November 1st at 12:30pm. She was 7lbs, 7 ounces, and 19.5 inches long. Anyway, while I was in Minnesota I was able to help my parents move to my grandmas and my sister and brother-in-law move into my parents house. I did make the time to get my 3-mile run in and my 7-mile run in. I took some pictures of my yard to show you the beautiful place I got to run in.

Week 5, hmmmm… Well, this would definitely be one of the hardest weeks so far. The 7 mile run totally kicked my trash. But I did make it through. I woke up the day after and could not move. I really miss those 2 mile runs. No longer will we see those. I am building muscles! My calves are looking awesome. Still short and chubby but now has some muscle curve!! Whoot! Whoot! On to week 6.
Dear Universe,
Major milestone for us this week. Not only have we been running for a month (wahoo) we also ran just over half of a half marathon this week (double wahoo). If the math’s a little rough on that one, 7 miles was the long run. Strangly, my body reacted better to the 7 mile run than the 5 milers… weirdy I know.
Lesson learned this week:
1- Running in 54 degree weather is a lot easier than 38 degree.
2- Some run days are just crap. Usually I can tell within 2 mins what type of run going to be.
3- Running totally justifies my addiction to bread. Carbing up is by far my favorite part of training.
Kudos to Spitz for running on vaca in Minnesota, the 3 feet of snow didn’t slow her time down at all (I really don’t know if it snowed, but tis quite possible). And to Beas for running 7 miles on a treadmill, it takes a lot of determination to run towards a TV for an hour but never reaching it.
1 month down, dos mas to go mi amigos! (Ok really its dos and ½). Until next week….
The Sistas of Winter Will Not Suck